Diamonds without fluorescence are better than those with fluorescence. Although fluorescence has little effect on the diamond itself, it still affects the price of the diamond itself. The stronger the fluorescence, the greater the impact on the diamond. The transparency of the diamond itself will be weakened, the color clarity will not be pure enough, and there may even be a feeling of white mist. Generally, most diamonds on the market have weak fluorescence, and diamonds without fluorescence are very rare.
Diamond fluorescence level
According to international standards, diamond fluorescence is divided into 5 levels, and the diamond fluorescence level classification table from high to low is None, Faint, Medium, Strong, and Very Strong.
No fluorescence: Diamonds do not react under ultraviolet radiation.
Faint weak fluorescence: Diamonds can see weak fluorescence under ultraviolet radiation, but cannot distinguish color.
Medium fluorescence, Strong strong fluorescence, Very Strong very strong fluorescence: Under ultraviolet irradiation, diamonds have obvious visible fluorescence and colors can be distinguished (such as blue fluorescence, yellow fluorescence, etc.).