Love anniversary can send roses, tulips, purple tulips, sunflowers, petunias, lilies, and lotus, white tea plum, pink hyacinth, red hyacinth, butterfly orchid, red bean, platycodon, forget-me-not, clock flower, red rose, pink rose, crimson rose, Jasmine, love flower.
These flowers have beautiful meanings and are perfect for giving to each other on their wedding anniversary.
Rose: Love, love and beauty, radiant, brave.
Tulips: Eternal, a confession of love.
Purple tulips: noble love, unrepentant love, endless love and eternal love.
Sunflower flower: Silent love, has the meaning of selfless pay, loyalty.
Petunia: Sense of security, with you around is very warm.
Lily: pure, faithful, sacred and inviolable.
And Tirian: Tie the knot forever.
White tea plum: ideal love.
Pink hyacinth: Admiration and romance.
Red hyacinth: Touched by love.
Phalaenopsis: Pure love.
Red bean: love, admiration.
Platycodon grandiflorum: Eternal love, no regrets, hopeless love.
Don't forget me, true love, eternal feelings.
Clock flower: Love by your side, noble.
Red Rose: In love.
Pink Rose: I want to spend my life with you.
Crimson Rose: I just want to be with you.
Jasmine: It sounds like "Mo Li".
Romantic herb: Love lasts forever.