The dangers of consanguineous marriage

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Inbreeding couples may acquire the same gene from their common ancestor and pass it on to their children. If the gene is inherited in an autosomal recessive way, their children may develop the disease because of the mutation homozygous, so inbreeding increases the risk of certain autosomal recessive genetic diseases. It is easy to have high incidence of recessive genetic diseases, high incidence of multiple genetic diseases, offspring deformity, offspring poor physique and so on.

First, the harm of consanguineous marriage

1, consanguineous marriage will greatly increase the probability of recessive genetic diseases. According to relevant data, the recessive genetic diseases of inbred offspring will be 150 times that of non-inbred offspring.

2, the incidence of some polygenic genetic diseases in consanguineous marriages is higher than that in non-consanguineous marriages. According to the survey, the incidence of polygenic diseases such as congenital heart disease, anencephaly, and spinal cord fission in the offspring of consanguineous marriages is about 1.64%, which is higher than that of non-consanguineous children.

3, the early death rate and deformity rate of children who are married to Cousins are also relatively high.

4, the offspring of consigneous marriage will be poorer in physique, lighter in weight and shorter in height.

(2) Diseases easily obtained by offspring of consanguineous marriage

1, congenital low intelligence.

2. Congenital heart disease.

3. Congenital stupidity.

4. Thalassemia.

5. Phenylketonuria.

6. High blood pressure.

7. Albinism.

8. Schizophrenia.

9. Congenital heart disease.

10. Epilepsy.

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