Wedding roses, red roses represent deep love, white roses represent promise, pink roses represent the declaration of love, moved. Fulang flowers have the meaning of relying on each other and working together, and giving them to the couple represents the blessing of their marriage. Sunflower is a very warm flower, it represents faith, loyalty, love, courage and other good qualities. The lily symbolizes "good marriage for a hundred years".
1. Roses
Roses are the best spokesperson for love, and different colors of roses have certain differences in flower language. For example, red roses represent deep love, white roses represent promises, pink roses represent the declaration of love, touching and so on.
2. Fulang Flower
Fu Lang literally is to help Lang Jun, with the meaning of relying on each other and working together. Fulang flower to the new person represents the blessing of their mutual respect and love, is a good expectation of the married life of two people, it also symbolizes perseverance, not afraid of difficulties, suitable for the elders to the younger generation.
3. Sunflower
Sunflower is a very warm flower, it represents faith, loyalty, love, courage and other good qualities. So the married couple is very suitable, hope that their love like sunflower, has been sunny, warm.
4. Lilies
The meaning of the lily is very auspicious, it represents smooth, blessings, wishes come true, and is also commonly used to wish the new "one hundred years of good luck".
5. Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis resembles a butterfly in its flower shape, which is easy to remind people of the beautiful love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, representing the romantic blessing of the couple's marriage. However, few send a bouquet of phalaenopsis directly, mostly as an auxiliary flower in the bouquet.