Red roses represent fiery love, but the number of red roses is different, the expression of the heart is also different. 33 red roses symbolize the love of the third life, you can give 33 red roses to the crush of the object, so that she feel your strong friendship; You can also give 33 red roses to your lover to inject some spark into your relationship.
The words of 33 red roses
"33" represents the Third Life, and 33 red roses represent the love of the Third Life. In a romantic Chinese Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, looking at the Altair Vega, think of the long-distance cowherd and weaving girl and Romeo and Juliet's life and death together, 33 roses to his girlfriend, said he was eager to meet with each other life and life.
Two, suitable for giving 33 red roses
1. Give it to someone you love
Valentine's Day every year is undoubtedly the perfect time to declare your love, and the streets are filled with pink romantic bubbles. At such a special time, the gift of 33 red roses to the girl, showing that he has always liked her, as if he poured his own three lives.
2. Give to your partner
Whether in love or marriage, you can send 33 red roses. People who are in love love more intensely, and husband and wife who are fading in enthusiasm can also regain their love fire, indicating that they will accompany each other for life and agree on the determination of the afterlife.