There are significant differences between the officiant and the officiant in terms of definition, identity, role, and order of appearance.
1. Different definitions
The officiant
The officiant, also known as the officiant, refers to the person in charge of the wedding ceremony. The officiant is divided into the substantive officiant and the formal officiant. In essence, the person in charge of the marriage is the one who can determine whether the marriage is successful or not. In feudal society, it is generally the parents or other respected relatives who determine the marriage;
The formal officiant refers to the person who presides over the wedding ceremony. In the past, it was usually a father, brother, or other male elder, but in modern times, it is often held by someone respected by both parties.
Marriage witness
A witness, also known as a officiant. It is the person invited by both the man and the woman to serve as a marriage certificate during the wedding ceremony. Generally, it is recommended to have someone who is trusted, respected, or highly respected by both parties serve, and one or two people can be invited.
The procedure for a witness to officiate a marriage is to first read out the marriage certificate, then state "Hereby officiate the marriage" and finally deliver a brief congratulatory message The witness's marriage statement is brief and generous
2. Different identities
The officiant refers to the elder who presides over the marriage of the newlyweds. Generally, weddings invite respected family members or elders to serve as officiants Is the officiant the man or the woman
The witness of marriage refers to the person who proves the legality of the marriage. The witness usually invites the leader of the newlyweds or elders with certain prestige, and the introducer of the newlyweds can also serve as a witness Who is the most suitable person for marriage witnesses
3. Different functions
The role of the officiant is to instruct the newlyweds and make requests for them to start a family, commonly known as the "newlywed training speech". At the same time, they should also represent the host and thank the guests for their arrival Short and elegant speech by the wedding host
The main role of a marriage witness is to prove the legality of the marriage. In addition to reading and notarizing the marriage certificate, they also congratulate the newlyweds on their union.
4. Different order of appearance
At a wedding, it is usually the witness who proves the legality of the marriage for the newlyweds, and then the officiant takes the stage to represent the elders and entrust the newlyweds with their future lives.
According to traditional Chinese etiquette, the officiant represents the host, and the officiant is an important guest. According to the etiquette standard of "guest first", the officiant should also deliver a speech after the officiant.
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