Red head for the man or the woman

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Whether the man or the woman buys the red hat mainly depends on the local customs and habits. In some places, the man comes to buy a red headscarf and delivers it to the woman's house along with the dowry when proposing. In some places, the woman buys it herself and prepares a red hat for herself. Both parties can discuss who will prepare before marriage.

Tips for selecting a hood

1. With the changes in aesthetics and clothing, in addition to the traditional red headDRESS, other colors of headdresses have also emerged, such as gold, blue, pink, etc., which are relatively niche. Brides can also choose to customize them. If the bride doesn't like the red headdress, she can pair it with gold or match it according to the color of the clothing.

2. Choose the cover according to the embroidery color on the clothing, and the embroidery color on the cover can match the embroidery color on the clothing.

3. If the clothing style is simple, you can choose a more luxurious style for the headwear, while if the clothing is luxurious, you can choose a simple and elegant style for the headwear.

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