The wearing method and meaning of the left hand ring

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1. Thumb

Wearing a ring on the left thumb is a way to demonstrate one's power and status, as in ancient times only some noble and influential people would wear a ring on the left thumb, and this implicit meaning has continued to this day. Generally, only men would wear a ring on the thumb, and the ring on the thumb is also known as a ring finger.

2. Index finger

Wearing a ring on my left index finger represents that I am currently unmarried but eager to get married, filled with longing and longing for married life. If your partner wears a ring on their left index finger, it is likely to indicate that they want to get married; If the person wearing the ring is currently single, it means they want to start a relationship that can get married.

3. Middle finger

The engagement ring or proposal ring is usually worn on the middle finger, as the middle finger holds a position second only to the ring finger in people's hearts. It is also appropriate to wear a special engagement ring or proposal ring on the left middle finger. If a person wears a ring on the left middle finger, and it is clearly a matching ring, it means that they are engaged.

4. Ring finger

Wearing a wedding ring on the left ring finger is an unwritten rule that applies worldwide, as it is said that there is a blood vessel on the left ring finger that is connected to the heart. Therefore, a precious wedding ring should be worn on this finger. If a person wears a ring on their left ring finger, it means they are already married, and usually no one wears a floral ring on their left ring finger.

5. Little Thumb

Wearing a ring on the little finger of the left hand usually indicates that one is an unmarried person.

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