Whether the parents of the male party should attend the banquet hosted by the female party depends on local customs. Usually, the groom's parents will not appear at the bride's wedding banquet, and the groom's relatives and friends will also not come, but the groom must appear. In other places, according to local customs, if the bride does not have parents, the groom's parents will participate and speak at the wedding banquet. There are also places where the groom's parents must go, which shows the respect and love of the mother-in-law for the daughter-in-law.
When unsure whether the groom's parents will attend the bride's wedding banquet, you can ask the elders in the family to learn about local customs. If the bride really wants the groom's parents to appear at her wedding banquet, she should communicate with the groom and future in laws, and I believe that the in laws will also respect the bride's ideas.