1. Inquire about medical history: inquire about current medical history, past medical history, past marriage and childbearing history, and family genetic history, etc;
2. Physical examination: including routine checks such as height, weight, blood pressure, etc., with special examination of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, male reproductive system, etc. for any lesions;
3. Laboratory examination: Check for abnormalities in male blood routine, liver function, kidney function, etc., and observe the condition of male blood lipids and blood sugar.
4. Mental illness and congenital genetic disease examination: including severe mania, schizophrenia, etc., while observing whether males have chromosomal diseases. Chromosomal diseases can affect fetal development. If detected, doctors can intervene in a timely manner through medical means.
What are the items for male premarital check ups
1. Inquire about medical history
Inquire about current medical history, past medical history, past marriage and childbearing history, and family genetic history, etc;
2. Physical examination
General health examination (including height, weight, color discrimination, blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, thyroid examination, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, motor system, etc.)
Male reproductive system examination (including the presence of phimosis, penile induration, penile shortening, hypospadias, cryptorchidism, testicular undersized, varicocele, and hydrocele)
3. Laboratory examination
Blood routine test, urine routine test, liver function test (AST ALT), five qualitative tests of hepatitis B, syphilis spirochete screening, AIDS virus antibody test
4. Mental illness and congenital genetic disease examination
Psychiatric examinations include severe mania, schizophrenia, etc
The examination for congenital genetic diseases includes albinism, primary epilepsy, chondrodysplasia, myotonia, hereditary retinitis pigmentosa, etc. The screening of genetic diseases requires chromosome testing.