The standard diameter of a 60 minute round bare diamond is approximately 5.4-5.5mm, with a height of approximately 3.2-3.4mm. It has a relatively large volume, and due to different cutting techniques and inlay methods, the size of a 60 minute diamond ring may vary depending on its shape.
Is the size of a 60 cent diamond ring significant
According to international standard units, one carat is 0.02 grams, and 60 cents is 0.6 carats, so 60 cents is 0.12 grams. This size of diamond ring is suitable for work, marriage proposals, and wedding wear. The diameter of a 60 inch round diamond is around 5.5mm, while the diameter of a commonly used regular pencil is 8mm. Although we may not feel it is large, we can still easily see the difference visually. Wearing a 60 inch diamond ring is still quite eye-catching.