What does clarity char mean in a diamond

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The full name of the clarity char is "Clarity Characteristics", which represents the clarity features of diamonds and is a description of clarity levels. This item usually appears on diamond GIA certificates, and the corresponding words are usually Feather (feather crack), Cloud (cloud like object), etc., which describe the internal flaws of diamonds.

The relevant description of Clarity Characteristics on the GIA certificate

Feather: feather

Pinpoint: Needle point package body

Included Crystal: Included crystal

Dark Included Crystal: Dark Included Crystal

Cloud: Cloud like object

Needle: Needle tip package

Internal Graining : Internal crystallization pattern

Surface Graining : Surface crystallization pattern

Twinning Wisp: Double crystal pattern

Laser Drill Hole: Laser hole

Chip: Gap

Indented : Indented Natural

Abrasion: Wear marks

Scratch: Scratches and scars

Nick: scar

Extra Facet: Extra Facet

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