What is the difference between a Mosan diamond and an artificial diamond

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Mozambique diamonds and artificial diamonds are only similar in appearance, but have significant differences in essence.

1. Different fire colors

The fire color of Mozambique diamonds is more than 2.5 times that of artificial diamonds, emitting warm light and having a more brilliant and vivid color than diamonds; Artificial diamonds emit a cold light, mainly soft and bright blue light.

2. Different constituent elements

Artificial diamonds are composed of carbon elements, while moissanite diamonds are composed of silicon carbide.

3. Different hardness

The hardness of artificial diamonds is 10, while that of Mozambique diamonds is about 9.25. They can also cut glass and are afraid of severe impact.

4. Different densities

Artificial diamonds have a higher density than moissanite. When tested with diiodomethane liquid, Mozambique diamonds will float and diamonds will sink. If cut according to the specification of one carat diamond, the weight of a moissanite will be less than 1 carat.

5. Different refractive indices

Due to their different crystal structures, moissanite diamonds exhibit birefringence while artificial diamonds exhibit monochromaticity, resulting in a brighter and more dazzling fire color compared to artificial diamonds.

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