Pre marital blood tests include blood type, blood routine (including hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells and classification, platelets), serum glucose testing, liver function testing, hepatitis B serological five item testing, kidney function testing, thyroid function testing, syphilis spirochete screening, HIV screening, rubella virus IgG antibody testing, cytomegalovirus IgM and IgG antibody testing, Mediterranean anemia testing, G6PD deficiency testing, etc.
The items for blood testing during premarital sex examination
1. Blood routine tests: hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells and classification, platelets.
2. Blood type
3. Serum glucose measurement
4. Liver function test
5. Five serological tests for hepatitis B
6. Renal function testing
7. Thyroid function testing
8. Treponema pallidum screening
9. HIV screening
10. Determination of IgG antibody against rubella virus
11. Cytomegalovirus IgM and IgG antibody determination
12. Mediterranean anemia testing: hemoglobin electrophoresis, genetic testing.
13. G6PD deficiency testing